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The Heritage

Today, Aurum Solis presents all parts of its heritage in a clear and well-structured curriculum accessible to all serious students. It exists simultaneously within the holistic system of Mediterranean Yoga and within one of the rays of the Glorious Star named "Theurgic Rituals." 

In addition to the main curriculum, the inner Order of "Theurgy," properly called "Aurum Solis," offers several main components that are part of our heritage, working under the auspices of the Aurum Solis. This is a way to offer initiates of our Order and the public all the main aspects of this unique lineage.

The Grand Master of the Order is the Custodian of these lineages and their teachings, as indicated by several of its official traditional titles recorded in the ancient codes of the Order. We can mention, for example: "Archamagus of the Aurum Solis," "Hierarch of the Abraxine Communion within the Charismatic Ecclesia of the Gnosis," "Druidic High Priest of the Celtic Mysteries of the Aurum Solis," and "Guardian of the Order of the Green Flame of Albion." Besides the direct transmission from the Order, the current Grand Master has received several other lineages that reinforce the original heritage.

Green Flame

At the inception of Aurum Solis, the Order grounded much of its work in Celtic rituals and practices, specifically the ancient Fire Festivals: Imbolc, Bealteinne, Lughnasadh, and Samhuinn. These rites were celebrated annually and trace their roots to the origins of the Order, entwined with Celtism, Druidism, and Shamanism.

These exceptionally ancient practices persist within Aurum Solis, observed both within the familial context and as part of an initiatory process restricted to advanced initiates.

Knights of the Helmet

Francis Bacon was the acknowledged leader of the "invisible" Order, dedicated to Pallas Athena. The members of this Secret Literary Society were known as The Knights of the Helmet. They were initiated in an elaborate ceremony that is supposed to have been one of the roots of modern Freemasonry.

Having received this spiritual inheritance through several Grand Masters who were Freemasons, the Aurum Solis sometimes organizes a ceremony open to every companion of the Order who is also a Master Mason.


The books by former Grand Masters have popularized a new approach of Qabalah, associating late Hermeticism, Judeo-Christianity from the Renaissance, and modern magical Qabalah in a very original way.

The Aurum Solis provide these teachings and practices to its initiates but also to people just interested in Qabalah through courses published by the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross.

Enochian Magic

The books written by Denning and Phillips present original researches on Enochian Magic. Based on the 16th-century writings of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley, it is a system of ceremonial magic based on the evocation and commanding of various spirits. 

The Aurum Solis offers the option to the initiates of the Order to learn and experiment with this part of its heritage through unpublished material and various experiments.

Fedeli d'Amore

The Fedeli d'Amore (The Faithful of Love) was a group of poets practicing an erotic spirituality, which can be seen as an application of chivalric ideas (including courtly love) to the regeneration of society.

Their system was based on psychological and spiritual doctrines, including a means of divine ascent through Love. 

The Aurum Solis provides to some of the companions these practices and teachings.


Gnosticism has been very diverse through history. Some Gnostic groups taught and practiced an interesting interpretation of previous traditions, while others were more concerned with rejecting the world and its beauty.

The Aurum Solis incorporated in its teachings some of the most fascinating parts of this spiritual movement that are also accessible through the curriculum of the Order.

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